Women's Issues


six faces of women of diverse cultures

Collage by FAIM with images from Pixabay

Articles that focus on women's issues.

PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Learn about the myths behind Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and how to improve outcomes with foods, vitamins, exercise, mindfulness, decreased stress and improved metabolism.

Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain

Endometriosis is a painful condition in women where tissue that is similar to uterine tissue lives outside the uterus around other pelvic organs. Learning the cause can open up many options for therapy.

Five Steps to Better Periods

If you struggle with period problems, you are not alone. Whether you dread the discomfort of menstrual cramps, can’t manage the mood swings of PMS, or struggle with erratic and irregular cycles, this guide is for you.

Could It Be My Hormones?

Estrogen dominance is a pattern in the body where estrogen levels are too high in comparison to progesterone levels. Learn what causes it and how to address it.

Breast Cancer Prevention or Detection: What Women Really Want

We hear so much about the importance of early detection for breast cancer to save lives, but women really want to know how to prevent breast cancer. Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging, RATI, offers the ability to observe potential inflammatory processes in the breasts (and body) early enough to intervene and reverse risk factors, thereby reducing the risk for cancer's development.

The Integrative Management of Depressed Mood in Pregnancy: What the Evidence Suggests

Depression during pregnancy and after delivery is quite common and can have a huge impact on the baby. Dr. Lake presents the pros and cons of many approaches from referenced research to help new moms.