Oxidative Therapy and Ozone


Image by Cam Howard / FAIM

Oxidative Therapy involves treating the body with extra oxygen. There are several treatment methods including mixing the blood with ozone gas (O3 instead of the O2 we breathe), injection of ozone under the skin to treat scarring, injection into joints for pain, and forcing additional oxygen gas (O2) into the lungs under pressure (hyperbaric oxygen). This addition of extra oxygen has many benefits for both prevention and treatment of disease.

Molecular Hydrogen: Benefits, Uses, and the Intersection With Ozone

In this video Promolife talks with Tyler Lebaron from the Molecular Hydrogen Institute about hydrogen, ozone, how molecular hydrogen works and much more.

Dr. Ozone: 40 Years Using Medical Ozone To Fix Everything

The guest on this episode of Bulletproof Radio is Frank Shallenberger, MD, (or Dr. Ozone), a doctor who was referenced heavily in “Headstrong,” a book about cognitive function and mitochondrial hacking. He has been practicing as a physician for more than four decades in both conventional and alternative medicine.

2021 Ozone Convention

The 2021 Ozone Convention was an online event diving into wellness with oxidative and supportive therapies. It was the largest online gathering of professionals, practitioners and enthusiasts working with oxidative therapies. The importance of therapies like these is becoming greater as our world is addressing bacteria, virus and mold.

A Plausible "Penny" Costing Effective Treatment for Corona Virus - Ozone Therapy

Many viruses require reduced sulfhydryl groups for cell fusion and entry. Corona viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of the condition now named coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19), are rich in cysteine, which residues must be intact for viral activity. Sulfhydryl groups are vulnerable to oxidation. Ozone therapy, a very inexpensive and safe modality may safely exploit this critical vulnerability in many viruses, inclusive of SARS-CoV-2.

The Use of PRP and Ozone for Skin Care and Joint Health

Are you seeing the signs of aging as you look in the mirror? Platelet rich plasma (PRP) and medical ozone therapy can be a great addition to your healthcare routine.

Ozone High Dose Therapy or 10 Pass

10 pass ozone has been found to treat colds, flu, Lyme, infections of all kinds, chronic fatigue syndrome, and more. Most people, the overwhelming majority, simply felt better, performed better, or rapidly recovered from their acute infection.

Dental Ozone Day Training Report

The Society of Progressive Medical Education (SOPMed) sponsored a day of Dental Ozone Training as a pre-conference option during their June 2018 conference. Dr. John Augspurger, DDS, NMD, IBDM, the instructor, trained extensively in Switzerland using ozone for dentistry and uses it consistently in his practice. The practice, called BioDentist, is a part of the Human Universal Health Institute (HUHI), creating a new vision for health and wellness.

How to Use Ozone to Treat Almost Any Illness in Your Own Home

Learn about ozone and how you can do treatments yourself. This article covers instructions on various applications and therapies for those who wish to treat at home.

Introduction to Oxidative Therapy

Oxidative Therapy involves treating the body with extra oxygen. Many believe that the use of oxidative therapy is the wave of the future in the treatment of resistant bacteria which have resulted from the overuse of antibiotics in people and animals.

Ozone Therapy Summary and Its Application to Viruses, Particularly Ebola

The purpose of this article is to explain in simple terms the incredible physiological effects of oxidation therapy, particularly ozone, and why it might be of help to so many problems.

Kaqun: The Life Element

Water. It is essential for our survival, but it can also contain healing properties that go far beyond simple sustenance. One of these waters is called Kaqun (pronounced “Cocoon”).

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for PTSD and Brain Injuries

Ray Crallé of Crallé Physical Therapy and ORCCA Hyperbarics in South Florida is using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to help returning soldiers who suffer from PTSD and brain injuries.

Knee, Back, and Shoulder Pain Cured With Prolozone

Robert Rowen, M.D., reports on his trip to India and treatment of patients with an injection of medical ozone resulting in fast and often permanent pain relief of long-standing, difficult-to-treat cases.

Prolozone for Pain Relief

Robert Rowen, M.D., editor of "Second Opinion," reports on his use of Prolozone in prolotherapy resulting in fast and often permanent pain relief of long-standing, difficult-to-treat cases.