Nanosilver Technology


illustration of a silver oxide molecule

Illustration courtesy of Silver Biotics

FAIM has been interested in the technology of nanosilver used to eliminate virus, bacteria and fungus. We have spent much time investigating this area of science and have found nanosilver to be extremely effective when used externally for wound healing and internally.

The original technology produced colloidal silver. The science has now progressed into the field of nanosilver, meaning a much smaller silver particle, and has been proven to be safer and more effective for healing.

Silver works in several ways in the body. Research shows tiny silver particles can attach to the DNA of viruses preventing them from replicating. Silver is also an effective oxygen carrier, releasing the oxygen when it comes in contact with a virus, bacteria or fungus, killing it. Also, silver disables the enzyme that bacteria, fungus and virus use for metabolism. Because of these basic mechanisms, pathogens do not develop resistant strains.

FAIM has a policy of rarely mentioning specific products. However, when it comes to nanosilver research, American Biotech Labs is a leader in the field. Much of this research is shared on the FAIM website in the FAIM Nanosilver Research section. This research is vital due to the discovery of antibiotic resistant “bugs” and other threats from viruses, bacteria and fungus.

Anytime a person is looking to eradicate virus, bacteria or fungus from the body there needs to be the consideration of “do no harm.” It is important to choose an approach that will only destroy the deleterious forms of virus, bacteria and fungus and protect the microorganisms that are beneficial. That is one reason why nanosilver technology is superior over the use of antibiotics.

American Biotech Labs has done over 400 major studies and test series on nanosilver, typically at 10 ppm. They have also done 30 safety studies to confirm safety for humans and animals. There are several respected companies who produce nanosilver products. FAIM applauds the scientific approach that American Biotech Labs takes to insure the efficacy and safety of the technology in general.

Below we share with you videos that American Biotech Labs has created to help educate the readers on the safety and efficacy of nanosilver technology. Please visit the FAIM Nanosilver Research section to learn more of the specifics of the studies that have been completed.

Benefits and Efficacy of SilverSol Nano-Silver Technology

Benefits and Efficacy of SilverSol Nano-Silver Technology

Silver Biotics and American Biotech Labs, LLC

The Safety of SilverSol Nano-Silver Technology

The Safety of SilverSol Nano-Silver Technology

Silver Biotics and American Biotech Labs, LLC

What is a PPM of Colloidal Silver?

What is a PPM of Colloidal Silver? - American Biotech Labs, LLC

Silver Biotics and American Biotech Labs, LLC

Should Colloidal Silver Be Stored In Glass Bottles or Plastic Bottles?

Should Colloidal Silver Be Stored In Glass Bottles or Plastic Bottles? - American Biotech Labs, LLC

Silver Biotics and American Biotech Labs, LLC

For more information visit the Silver Biotics website.

About the Author

Joanne Quinn

Executive Director of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine

Joanne Quinn, Ph.D., R.M.A., has an extensive background in science with a doctorate in holistic nutrition. She has studied both allopathic and alternative approaches to health care, studying alternative therapies since 1989.