Nanosilver for Bacteria, Virus and Fungus


Series of images showing different stages of destruction of a virus.

Illustration by Kateryna Kon /

Series of images showing different stages of destruction of a virus.

FAIM has been interested in the technology of nanosilver to eliminate virus, bacteria, and fungus. Our research reveals that the use of nanosilver, which has much smaller silver particles, is superior to the original colloidal silver.

Silver has a long history as a broad spectrum infection fighting remedy. That is why the kings used silverware and vessels made of silver. Colloidal silver was used in the 1800s, but with the introduction of antibiotics in the 1940s silver use diminished. Thirty years later, when pathogens developed immunity to antibiotics, the popularity of silver colloids returned. Since then, the development of nanosilver technologies has opened the field to address many infections of bacteria, virus and fungus.

So how does nanosilver work? Tiny silver particles attach to the DNA of viruses preventing them from replicating. Silver is also an effective oxygen carrier, releasing the oxygen when it comes in contact with the pathogen, killing it. Thirdly, silver disables the enzyme that bacteria, virus and fungus use for metabolism. Due to these basic mechanisms, pathogens do not develop a resistance to nanosilver.

The list of ailments silver addresses is long, but as with antibiotics, it cannot address every pathogen. It is well tolerated and has very few side effects. There is a condition called argyria where the skin turns gray/blue permanently. Years ago this condition got a lot of attention when one man, who made his own colloidal silver and drank huge amounts of it, turned gray. He made the national news. Unfortunately, this created an unnecessary scare. The fact is this condition is very rare and occurs mainly when large doses of chemical forms of silver are ingested such as silver nitrate. Most reputable forms of nanosilver are in the ionic form and do not cause argyria. The body actually eliminates 90-99% of the silver ingested in two days. Antibiotics destroy the bacteria in the gut causing a cascade of advancing health issues. Nanosilver that is 99.9% pure silver with a particle size of .5 to .001 microns and less than 25 ppm has very little impact on the friendly gut bacteria.

The take home message is that nanosilver offers the option of addressing bacteria, virus, and fungus in a safe effective manner and deserves to be the first line of defense considered.

It can be taken in a liquid form orally, inhaled through a nebulizer, used in IVs for issues like Lyme disease, and used in gels and bandages for skin and wound healing.

FAIM includes nanosilver in its New Frontiers in Medicine category due to the safety, efficacy and promise for the future.

About the Author

Joanne Quinn

Executive Director of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine

Joanne Quinn, Ph.D., R.M.A., has an extensive background in science with a doctorate in holistic nutrition. She has studied both allopathic and alternative approaches to health care, studying alternative therapies since 1989.