Effect of Prophylactic Treatment with ASAP-AGX-32 and ASAP Solutions on an Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Infection in Mice

Gordon Pedersen, Robert W. Sidwell, Alan Moloff, D.O., M.P.H., Robert W. Saum Ph.D., IDHA


Avian Influenza (H5N1, or Bird Flu) can be a fatal disease in humans and a serious threat to become a pandemic event. Since there is no pharmaceutical remedy for the Bird Flu it is essential that preventive treatments be tested and developed in order to enhance survivor rates in the human population.

Since 1973, Silver has been shown to have topical activity against 22 bacterial species (643 isolates) including gram positive and gram negative bacteria (1). As an antimicrobial agent, Silver has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of burn infections, post surgical wound infections, and gynecological infections (2, 3). In addition, Silver has been shown to be active against black mold (4), Antrax (5), Bubonic plague (6), Malaria (7), and numerous viruses such as Hepatitis (8).

Recently it was reported that the American Biotech Labs product, Silver Sol, demonstrated additive and synergistic effects when combined in individual trials with 19 different antibiotics (9). The Silver from ABL was shown to improve the effectiveness of the antibiotics even against antibiotic resistant infections (9).

The Merck Index identifies the following medicinal uses of silver: Antiseptic particularly for mucous membranes and infectious sinusitis (13). The Merck Manual and Centers for Disease Control, recommend that Silver nitrate drops should be placed in each infant eye as soon as possible or at least in the first half hour of life to prevent gonorrheal ophthalmia (14).

The safe use of Silver as an orally consumed preventive agent has been demonstrated and supported by reports from the EPA and the United States Department of Health and Human Services in a 76 week long study (10,11). Dogs that inhaled Silver showed activity in the lung in one hour with 90% of the silver carried to the liver by the blood within 6 hours (15).

Due to the increased risk from methicillin resistant bacteria, black mold, plasmodium and especially bird flu, the need for orally consumed, safe, daily prophylactic prevention exists. In this study, Silver Sol from American Biotech Labs demonstrates safe beneficial and preventive activity against H5N1 Bird Flu, when taken orally in mice.

The American Biotech Labs product, ASAP-AGX-32, as well as their product designated ASAP, to be virucidal against the avian influenza A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1) x A/Ann Arbor/6/60 hybrid virus, with an up to 2 log10 virus titer reduction occurring after a 6 h incubation of the product and the virus (USU report dated March 28, 2006). In that same report, similar incubation with the avian influenza A/Duck/MN/1525/81 (H5N1) virus reduced the virus titer by approximately one-half log10 in the same time period. This material is reportedly very well tolerated in human subjects when ingested orally, Dr. Gordon Pedersen of American Biotech Labs designed a study with the Centers for Antiviral Research to evaluate the potential for ASAP-AGX-32 and ASAP, to inhibit an avian influenza A (H5N1) virus infection of mice when administered orally to the animals beginning 1 week prior to virus exposure.

This report describes the results of this experiment.

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Read the full report Effect of Prophylactic Treatment with ASAP-AGX-32 and ASAP Solutions on an Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Infection in Mice on the Lifesilver website.