International College of Integrative Medicine


International College of Integrative Medicine

Welcome to the International College of Integrative Medicine!

While we are not a college of brick and mortar, we create a space where physicians and other health care providers can learn about the latest scientific evidence for integrative medicine from around the world. Our passion is to empower doctors to give the most effective care for their patients. By going to the International College of Integrative Medicine website you can "Find a Physician" and learn where the next conference will be held. You can also ask questions and learn about a body of knowledge we call integrative medicine that can transform your life and your medical practice.

Who are we?

We are physicians and other health professionals who offer Integrative Medicine, which combines the best of conventional, preventive and innovative health treatments.

Integrative medicine combines the best of conventional and alternative medicine. Conventional medicine mainly utilizes drugs and surgery. We train doctors in chelation therapy, prolotherapy (reconstructive therapy), allergy treatments, nutritional IVs, cancer support and progressive medicine because we believe in providing you with options beyond what the current conventional system offers. Most of our doctors are comfortable in treating circulation, brain, immune, hormone, digestive, pain, and toxicity problems.

We strive to raise the standard of care in medicine by incorporating various disciplines and philosophies from professional societies throughout the United States and worldwide. Our mission is the comprehensive education of physicians about the effectiveness of advanced medical care through advanced level trainings and conferences twice a year.

We believe there are a few things that make ICIM special:

  1. Our size. Started Cleveland, Ohio in 1983, by seven progressive, forward-thinking physicians, the International College of Integrative Medicine (a not-for-profit medical society), has since expanded beyond its original regional environs into an association with nationwide and international membership. Yet we are still a close community of dedicated scientists, where behind every colleague is a friendly face. Our membership numbers around 150, and our meetings have an atmosphere of a family reunion where everyone is welcomed.
  2. The quality of education we provide attains a balance of researched-based scientific theory and practical advice that can be put into use in the office Monday morning. We encourage year-round discussion and consultation between our members, most of whom have been experts in the field for many years and have rich experience to share.
  3. ICIM comes to the aid of our members who are prosecuted for doing integrative medicine We offer emotional support, "Friend of the Court" statements, expert witnesses, financial aid, and our innovative ICIM Physicians' Risk Analysis Program where members can receive immediate advice from experienced peers and legal counsel at no charge.
  4. Our group leads the industry in advanced training for Heavy Metal Toxicology and Chelation Therapy. We know that no doctor can achieve excellence alone; we are also the only group in the field who offer comprehensive training and certification for IV Infusionist staff working in chelation therapy.

The International College of Integrative Medicine is a community of dedicated healthcare professionals advancing emergent innovative therapies in integrative and preventive healthcare by conducting educational sessions, supporting research and publications and cooperating with other professional and scientific organizations, while always promoting the highest standards of practice.

Visit the International College of Integrative Medicine, Box 271, Bluffton, OH 45817; Telephone: 419-358-0273.