Immortality Now: Energy Medicine and The Ondamed


Two people seated at a small table. The person on the left wears part of the ONDAMED device around her neck and the person on the right holds a different part of the device on the person's chest near the heart.


ONDAMED device demonstration. The Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) is a physiological response of the neurovascular system of the body to information being brought into its energy field. This response can be manually felt as a pulse change on the wall of the radial artery.

Are you familiar with Energy Medicine? Did you know that acupuncture is a form of Energy Medicine? So too is light therapy, lasers, aroma therapy and music therapy.

In this episode we'll visit with Silvia Binder, PhD and President/CEO of Ondamed.

The Ondamed is the state-of-the-art in energy medicine using pulsed electromagnetic fields and biofeedback to help support the body's stress response and immune system.

To learn how energy medicine can be used to improve your own health and well being, check out this episode of Immortality Now.

Immortality Now - Energy Medicine ep.23

Interview with Silvia Binder, PhD and President/CEO of Ondamed

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