Dr. Jill Interviews Dr. Ann Corson on "What's the Fuss about Fibrin?"


Photos of Dr. Jill Carnahan and Dr. Ann Corson

Screenshot from video by Jill Carnahan, MD

In this video Dr. Jill Carnahan interviews Dr. Ann Corson about issues with hypercoagulation in chronic illness and how inflammation and infection may cause excess fibrin production. Excess fibrin production impairs oxygen getting to tissues and vital organs.

Key Points

  • Inflammation and infection can cause excess fibrin production
  • Excess fibrin production can cause layer that impairs oxygen getting to tissues and organs and causes many symptoms including local hypoxia, fatigue, exercise intolerance
  • Platelet dysfunction is also very common after Lyme disease, mold toxicity or other infection or inflammatory process.

#67: Dr. Jill Interviews Dr. Ann Corson on "What’s the Fuss about Fibrin?"

Jill Carnahan, MD

About the Author

Jill Carnahan

Jill Carnahan, M.D., A.B.F.M., A.B.I.H.M., I.F.M.C.P., uses functional medicine to help people find the answers to the cause of their illness and the nutritional and biochemical imbalances that may be making them feel ill. Functional medicine is personalized medicine that deals with root cause of disease instead of just treating symptoms.