Body Burden Testing

Testing for toxic burden in the body may seem trustworthy, but in reality it is a very poor avenue to determine real toxic burden in the tissues. The tests, whether they are hair, blood, urine, stool, etc., only reveal what the body is capable of eliminating at the moment of the test.

Research has shown the inconsistency between elimination and tissue burden. Learn what you can do to stay ahead of the daily intake of toxins to prevent or address toxic load.

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About the Author

David Getoff

David Getoff, C.C.N., C.T.N., F.A.A.I.M., is a board certified clinical nutritionist, internationally recognized expert in nutrition, diet, the use of nutritional supplements and detoxification. He has lectured at dozens of scientific medical, nutritional, dental and agricultural conferences across the United States.

He is the author of Abundant Health in a