Giving Opportunities

In the effort to promote a new medical paradigm, FAIM has initiated a series of projects that can be reviewed in the Health Topics section of this site. FAIM is also involved in other activities that would benefit by additional financial contributions from our readers. Below is a list of opportunities available for direct contributions. Any gifts, large or small, are greatly appreciated.

General Fund

The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) is an informational network which accomplishes most of its work thanks to the diligence of the staff. For that reason, a larger part of the budget consists of salaries.

Our staff attends conferences, networks with professionals, develops working relationships with experts in various fields, researches new frontiers in medicine and science, and travels to many countries to investigate integrative and complementary protocols.

Conferences: FAIM attends relevant conferences to learn about new ideas and to network with professionals in the field. It is from these conferences that many projects are developed. Attendance is a vital aspect of the success of FAIM. Contributions to the General Fund will help FAIM attend a larger variety of conferences and cover the costs of these events.

Site Visits: One thing that sets FAIM apart from other alternative, complementary and integrative organizations is our well developed process of Site Visits. Once FAIM learns of a clinic which seems to be having good results, we arrange to visit the site to see for ourselves. In this way we can share with the reader what we learn and details of the protocols that are practiced. We make every effort to be comprehensive in our review. Contributions to the General Fund support opportunities to investigate more clinics so when you or a family member get a diagnosis and are looking for options for care, we are hopeful our review will aid you in your search.

Your gifts to the General Fund are greatly needed in order for us to continue to search so many areas of interest. It is our goal to bring this information to the reader on a regular basis. We hope the information we share on this website has made a difference in your life and in the life of a family member or friend.

Aromatherapy for Immune System Support

FAIM has initiated a series of collaborative agreements to assist children with AIDS with natural medicine in orphanages in Chile, Peru and Ecuador. FAIM is supplying essential oils and sustaining an aromatherapy program that helps these children support their immune system and, for the ones who receive drugs from the Global Fund, deal with the toxic effect of ARVs.

This program is run in collaboration with various partners, including therapists certified by the UK based International Federation of Aromatherapy. Now, many years in the running, aromatherapy is part of these children’s lives. The people dedicating their lives to helping this cause have testified that aromatherapy really makes a positive contribution to the health of these children.

Gifts to the Aromatherapy for Immune System Support project will provide essential oils to orphanages in Chile, Peru and Ecuador and support the salaries of certified specialists who will administer and teach the therapy.

Information on Frequency Healing Technologies

Among the most promising fields of medicine is energy, frequency and signal medicine. A multiplicity of devices from around the world has invaded the market with all sorts of claims and technical specifications. To make sense of all this, FAIM is consulting with the scientific experts with the mission to compile and report information that is available.

FAIM has devised a questionnaire and sent it to manufacturers all over the world to help gather the necessary data on each one of the devices that will be covered. Write ups on specific devices will be posted on the FAIM website as they are completed. The goal is to educate the public on this new frontier in science and medicine.

Gifts to the Frequency Healing Technologies project will support research for more devices, taking the fear of the unknown out of the equation.

Dr. Simoncini's Cancer Protocols

Dr. Tullio Simoncini of Rome, Italy, has developed a theory that cancer is caused by a Candida infection. He has refined a simple therapy using sodium bicarbonate, which he claims gives incredible results: over 90% success with breast, prostate, and bladder cancers! Dr. Simoncini has naturally been attacked from all corners while hundred of documented anecdotal cases testify to some apparent truth to his claims.

FAIM is working with Dr. Simoncini by bringing him to Latin America where various hospital systems are interested in studying his protocols in their oncology (cancer) units. FAIM is helping arrange for Dr. Simoncini to give lectures in these hospitals and give training programs for doctors.

Gifts to the Dr. Simoncini's Cancer Protocols project will support the establishment of a proper scientific clinical trial to help ascertain the validity of his theory (proof of concept study) and support the operational costs of the study.

Light Therapy to Treat and Heal Diseases

An entrepreneur from Chicago has developed a patented non-invasive ultraviolet-C (UVC) blood-irradiating device that is being studied in several countries. FAIM is collaborating to help initiate pilot studies with this device to address diseases such as Malaria, HIV and Hepatitis.

UVC is part of a larger spectrum of therapies using light to treat and heal diseases. Light is a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. Although there is no objection to developing technologies that use any fraction of this spectrum for diagnostic applications, there is very little acceptance of developing such technologies for treatment!

Gifts to the Light Therapy project will support studies and a clinical trial to test the safety and efficacy of UVC especially in applications for diseases prevalent in economically challenged countries.

Frequency and Signal Technologies to Diagnose and Treat Diseases

FAIM has been collaborating with Thomas Aksnes of Bergen, Norway in his pursuit to develop a medical model for the 21st century. Mr. Aksnes has developed a system that uses various frequency and signal technologies to diagnose and treat diseases. Mr. Aksnes has implemented over 120 clinics in Norway that use this clinical model to scan and balance people suffering from a broad range of illnesses. He has also developed an FDA-registered handheld electronic tool called Personal Therapy Device (PTD).

Gifts to this project will assist FAIM in helping Mr. Aksnes establish pilot studies in Central and South America to test the effectiveness of the device. The preliminary results have been remarkable.

Gifts to FAIM are tax deductible. If the project becomes fully funded, your contribution will be added to the General Fund to support the ongoing mission of FAIM. Thank you for your support!