Fourfold Path to Healing, Raleigh, North Carolina


  • Presenters: Dr. Tom Cowan, Sally Fallon, Jaimen McMillan
  • Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Date: February 29 to March 2, 2008
  • Website:
  • Attendee: Joanne Quinn, PhD, RMA


The Fourfold Path to Healing: Working with the Laws of Nutrition, Therapeutics, Movement, and Meditation in the Art of Medicine


The conference was titled, "Working with the Fourfold Laws of Nutrition, the Teachings of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Therapeutics, Movement and Meditation in the Art of Medicine." At a time in history when strongly held nutritional beliefs are beginning to be questioned, information shared at the Fourfold Path to Healing Conference shed new light on healthy living, eating and movement. It transformed views on health and healing by exploring how health is affected by what is eaten, what medicines and supplements are taken, how the body moves and how the thinking process affects health.

Thomas Cowan


Thomas Cowan, MD

Photo by Ingrid Hatton Photography, ©2016

Thomas Cowan, MD

Thomas Cowan, MD, is the principal author of The Fourfold Path to Healing. He trains medical professionals in holistic medicine and treatment. His presentation included the definition of Fourfold Path to Healing protocol, discussion of the mystery of the heart from Rudolf Steiner, treatment of common illnesses at home, treatment of inflammatory diseases and alchemical healing.

One portion of Dr. Cowan's presentation pointed out that the heart is not the main pump for the cardiovascular system. To wit: the heart sends the blood through arteries; it ultimately ends up in the capillaries where the blood flow slows to a stop; at this point, metabolism takes place at the cellular level with elements — proteins, fats and carbohydrates — composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen; the breakdown of these elements creates water and a carbon by-product, which is used for energy; the water moving across the osmotic membrane in the capillaries creates the pumping action that returns the oxygen poor blood to the heart and lungs. It is a new way to look at cardiovascular disease.

Hardening of the arteries actually is the body's efforts to narrow the vessels to increase movement of blood to back to the heart in the same way that narrowing a garden hose creases more power to move water. This happens when the metabolism in the cells is compromised and the capillary pump becomes less efficient. The fact is that fats contribute the most carbon and hydrogen for this metabolic purpose and are essential in the diet for healthy heart function. Saturated fats have more hydrogen to contribute to the production of water—the key element to stimulate the pumping process. In the event of a myocardial infarct (heart attack-MI) debris in the heart muscle gets deposited in the coronary arteries. Immediate autopsies reveal minimal plaque in the arteries whereas later autopsies reveal larger plaque deposits. Blockage is the consequence of the MI, not the cause. The conclusion drawn is that the failing pumping action within the capillaries actually is the reason for the heart attack. Lactic acid in the heart muscle causes inflammation, kills heart cells and puts inflammatory debris in the arteries after the heart attack occurs. This is a revolutionary approach to heart disease and explains the success of foxglove and strophanthis as prevention to cardiovascular disease.

What is the effect of stress on cardiovascular disease? Stress produces adrenalin. Adrenalin shrinks the capillaries, slowing the blood flow in and waste out. Stress also increases the amount of lactic acid in the heart per the process (explained above) of cell death. Together the two are a cause of cardiovascular disease. Digitalis expands the capillaries and improves efficiency. In addition, our bodies make digoxin in the adrenals from cholesterol. Digoxin is the active ingredient in digitalis and it is another argument that cholesterol is extremely important for good heart health.

Sally Fallon


Sally Fallon Morell

Sally Fallon is the founder and president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and is a major spokesperson for wholesome nutrition. She is the author of the best-selling Nourishing Traditions. She travels the world lecturing and teaching on healthy nutrition and traditional cuisine. She has also written numerous articles on the complex subject of diet and health for various health publications.

Ms. Fallon reviewed the pioneering work of Dr. Weston A. Price, explaining the benefits of butter, fermented foods, good fats and bad fats, benefits of raw milk and how to change your diet for the better. Myths and truths about dietary principals were covered. Soy, for example, is a legume with many toxins including phytic acid, protease inhibitors (blocking digestion of protein), lectins (which irritate the intestinal tract) and oxalates (that can cause kidney stones). Isoflavones in soy are estrogen-like compounds, which cause sterility in insects. This creates deficiencies in the system including vitamins E, K, D and B12 along with many minerals. The worst use of soy is in baby formula, according to Fallon. In the processing of baby formula soy produces nitrates, lysinonalanine, aluminum and fluoride. This use has produced premature maturation, thyroid issues, digestive disorders, cancer, and behavior indications in infants, affecting males more than females. On the contrary, raw milk and raw milk products from grass fed cattle have multiple bioactive components that are healthy and healing for humans of all ages. These components eliminate pathogens and bacteria naturally through lactoperoxidase. Lactoferrin in raw milk helps with iron absorption, supports the immune system, and kills tuberculosis bacteria and Candida.

Microbial agents that kill pathogens are destroyed in pasteurized milk. Often in the pasteurization process, the heat plates get gummed up and the milk is not heated to the optimal temperature for successful pasteurization. As a result just enough microbial bacteria are destroyed to allow the milk to proliferate with unwanted heat resistant bacteria including Johns Bacteria, B coreus spores, botulism and protozoan parasites. Blockage in the pipes of pasteurization plants must be cleaned regularly with caustic chemicals causing further contamination of dairy products. Raw milk has been used at the Mayo Clinic in the past to cure cancer, help with weight loss, kidney issues and skin disorders.

In addition, saturated fats serve an essential purpose in metabolism. As discussed, the carbon and hydrogen in saturated fats are essential for cardiovascular health. Fats from grass fed meat contain more vitamins A, D, I, K and minerals. Chickens raised in sunlight have eggs that are very high in vitamin D. Foods with good, healthy fats include butter, lard, coconut oil, organ meat, seafood, grass fed meat, bone broth, raw dairy products, lacto-fermented foods including sauerkraut, kefir and finally properly prepared grains and nuts.

Jaimen McMillan


Jaimen McMillan

Jaimen McMillan

Jaimen McMillan is founder of the Spacial Dynamics movement, the study of interplay between human beings and space. His unique approach to movement and exercise studies the expression of emotion in the way we move, with emphasis on how we can improve our ability to heal. Over 300 students in the United States and Europe are currently being trained through the Spacial Dynamics Institute. He described Spacial Dynamics in practice, healing the emotional body, how gestures reflect the state of health and how movement exercises maintain emotional and physical health. There are subtle energies that govern physical life. We can change our emotions by the way we move. Space needs order to be healthy.


The Fourfold Path to Healing Conference presented nutritional education that is vital to help re-educate the public on what is actually a healthy diet. The currently held politically correct views have not produced increased health in our country. It is time that we revisit nutrition and look at the role that healthy fats play in the total health of the body. The conference was informative, interactive and extremely relevant. It provided a look to the future with innovative ideas regarding fat consumption, cholesterol, raw dairy, grass fed beef, use of fermented foods and a new look at heart disease and allergies.

Information on future conferences and related information is available on the The Fourfold Path to Healing website.

About the Author

Joanne Quinn

Executive Director of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine

Joanne Quinn, Ph.D., R.M.A., has an extensive background in science with a doctorate in holistic nutrition. She has studied both allopathic and alternative approaches to health care, studying alternative therapies since 1989.